
Rude Letter from Rep. Tom Prezelski

(Direct Quote) Forwarded from Immigration fighter

"Proposition 200 failed in the district I represent. Given that you don't live here, I find it rather presumptuous that you think you can speak for my constituents. Your comments indicate that you have absolutely no knowledge of the ELL problem in Arizona (the issue goes back for decades) or anything about the people who I am trying to represent. This issue has little or nothing to do with illegal immigration and the elected officials who say so generally know better and are posturing. The opinion of NumbersUSA, whoever they are, is irrelevant to me, since I am here to speak for the best interests of the people of Tucson.

Your use of the term "anchor baby" shows a rather unfortunate contempt for your fellow human beings. I find it equally unfortunate that someone with a vaguely Spanish sounding name like yourself would throw in with a bunch of bigots who would like to deport most of my friends, family, and neighbors. Sorry, fella, but neither one of us fits into their vision of America and don't think that you aren't next. You should be glad that someone is speaking out against this movement."

Thomas Edward Prezelski, JR. - Date of Birth: 01/12/1970

State Representative, District 29
1700 W. WashingtonRoom 330
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office Phone : (602) 926-3424
Office Fax : (602) 417-3129


This is a very rude guy, but what do you expect from a felon and bad driver who was only able to be elected by running unopposed.

Rep. Tom Prezelski under investigation media story

*** Detailed Case Infomation ***

**** Case infomation source ****


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Fighting Immigration

To J.D. Hayworth, conservative Republican congressman from Scottsdale, Americans are acting like "a bunch of defeatist wimps," unwilling to stand up for the country's culture, its borders, its security and its own laws.

But in Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security, and the War on Terror, a new book authored by Hayworth and his chief of staff, Joe Eule, the 47-year-old lawmaker declares that he won't be among those "cowed into inaction" by "namby-pamby" editorial writers or even presidential adviser Karl Rove.

In fewer than 200 pages, Hayworth levels a full-scale attack on illegal immigration that he seems confident will draw wide attention.

Predicting that he will be pilloried by "the media elite" for what he has written, Hayworth takes on President Bush's plan to establish a limited guest-worker program, as well as the left, the right, the country of Mexico and political correctness.

Hayworth's own prescription for a more-secure United States calls for such things as putting active-duty troops on the border to help stop illegal crossings and, "as a last resort," building a border security fence from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

"Sympathizers of illegal immigration," Hayworth says, may argue that it is unfeasible to seal the border. But the $4 billion to $8 billion cost of such a security fence would be "a bargain when considering what illegal immigration is costing the country" in health care and education, higher crime, and perhaps even the eventual balkanization of parts of the country, he writes.

Hayworth challenges Bush

The underlying message in the book from conservative publisher Regnery ($27.95; publication date Jan. 16) is that Americans have at least one brave, bold voice from what he calls the gateway of an illegal invasion that is not afraid to tell it like it is.

"I consider this book a wake-up call," Hayworth said in an interview Wednesday.

Hayworth writes that Bush has been giving the United States the verbal equivalent of a sedative whenever he talks about illegal immigration.

"President George Bush's leadership in the War on Terror has been bold and inspiring. But when it comes to illegal immigration, he has been uncharacteristically and disturbingly vague and indecisive," Hayworth writes.

"Instead of the moral clarity we've come to expect, we get such politically correct buzz phrases as, 'If an American employer is offering a job that American citizens are not willing to take, we ought to welcome into our country a person who will fill that job.' That's not policy - it's a verbal tranquilizer meant to soothe the nerves of Americans who have had it with rampant lawbreaking on our border."

Hayworth also recalls a remark from Rove after the congressman suggested to Bush about a year ago during a GOP retreat in West Virginia that it would be a mistake to hand Congress an agreement with Mexico coordinating the two countries' Social Security systems.

"The president thanked me for being candid and said he would consider my views. But Rove became somewhat exasperated and spluttered, 'You just don't want to help Brown people, do you?' "

"Was this the president's right-hand man, or had I stumbled into the Twilight Zone?" Hayworth writes. "One thing is certain: we don't need Republicans playing the race card when there are so many liberals who are so good at it."

And therein lies a main theme of Hayworth's book: He says that much of what this nation has done with regard to border security and illegal immigration, or has failed to do, is driven by "rampant political correctness and multicultural sensibilities."

And although Sen. John McCain, a fellow Arizona Republican, and Arizona GOP Reps. Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake are expected to be among those pushing hard for an expanded guest-worker plan for foreign workers when Congress reconvenes, Hayworth will be among those opposed to it, Hayworth writes.

Such a program, among other things, would give millions of undocumented workers already in the country the ability to apply for temporary guest-worker status and eventually citizenship after paying fines.

Rewarding illegal behavior

Hayworth acknowledges that he once did support the idea of a temporary-worker program. But he says he has since determined it would do nothing but reward illegal behavior and encourage more illegal immigration.

The former sportscaster likens such a program to someone getting caught sneaking into the Super Bowl, only to be allowed to stay and watch the game if he pays a small fine.

He also scoffs at those who warn of the economic repercussions of plugging this source of willing, low-wage labor, and includes some of his fellow Arizona Republicans in Congress as among what he calls these "lettuce liberals."

"At a meeting in the Capitol with several members of the Arizona congressional delegation and Arizona governor Janet Napolitano, one of my guts-up conservative colleagues made the case for a guest-worker program. Without it, he asked, 'What's going to happen to the price of lettuce?' " Hayworth writes.

But Hayworth says national security should not be lost at a cost of appeasing businesses that want cheap labor.

"Al Qaeda is looking to ship a nuke across our southern border and we're supposed to wring our hands over the price of lettuce? Not this congressman," he writes.

A White House official said Wednesday that Rove recalls the conversation recounted by Hayworth but that the quote as published is inaccurate. Rove was simply trying to encourage Hayworth to be sensitive to all citizens, the official said.

On Wednesday, Hayworth stood by the quote. He also said that he does not know if book sales ultimately will turn a profit but said he hopes so. He said that he already has received word that House ethics rules permit him to keep the money.


Border Security

Finally the governor the Arizona has sent National Guard troops to secure the southern border. I think this action will help decrease the amount of illegal immigrants crossing the border. Some “open-border� supports are going to claim that more troops on the border will increase the amount of death. But that is entirely wrong. With more troops on the border, illegal immigrants will be less likely to cross in the first place out of fear of being detained and returned. So the only people who have to be worried are drug and human smugglers, honest people do not depend on illegal activity.

This should have started decades ago, and if it was, more infrastructures would be available. I think every recruit in every branch of service should be sent to the southern border for basic training. The presence of troops on the border will be a big deterrence. Every skill from tracking, moving, and surveillance, which is a vital skill for survival on a battlefield, can be tested and honed before a single life is at peril.

Saddam's Terror Training Camps

In the latest issue of The Weekly Standard there is an interesting article by Stephen F. Hayes titled "Saddam's Terror Training Camps". In it the author reports the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein... "Trained thousands of radical Islamic terrorists from the region at camps in Iraq over four years immediately preceding the U.S. invasion, according to documents and photographs recovered by the U.S. military in postwar Iraq."

Many of the terrorists training in Iraqi camps were drawn and supported by groups in northern Africa with very close links to al Qaeda. Thousands were trained in Iraq and have returned and are responsible for the attacks, which have taken place since the invasion.

How does Hayes the author justify these statements? He says, "The photographs and documents on Iraqi training camps come from a collection of some 2 million exploitable items captured in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan. They include handwritten notes, typed documents, audiotapes, videotapes, compact discs, floppy discs and computer hard drives." The documentation is there for any other legitimate source to examine.

There are other reports too, which should have waved flags at traditional publications and launched them on an extensive investigation to disprove the facts being presented.

1. For example, those documents show that Abdul Rahman Yasin, the only member of the al Qaeda cell that detonated the bomb in the 1993 World Trade Center attack to remain at large, fled to Iraq, where he was given a house and a monthly salary.

2. An al Qaeda member now in United States custody has confessed that in the 1990s bin Laden made an agreement with Saddam Hussein to cease all terrorist attacks inside Iraq.

3. Another report has a former colonel in Saddam's Fedayeen saying bin Laden's fighters were in Iraq in 1997 and that he observed them in a training camp in Salman Pak, southeast of Baghdad.

Reports upon reports are available and could be reviewed by legitimate press services. Little effort has been made by these media sources to make that information a central factor of the debate on why the war is being fought in Iraq. Instead, from CNN News to the Democrat Bloggers and from party line newspapers to the New York Times, all the public hears are chants that "Bush Lied!"

Many of the facts mentioned in this article and in the Weekly Standard are contained in a book by Richard Minter titled "Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror", which was on the bestseller lists in 2003. Mr. Minter is a senior fellow at the Center for the New Europe and his writings can also be found online at Tech Central Station.com.

These facts, according to the Weekly Standard article have come to light after translation of only 50,000 documents. There has been so much intelligence uncovered that at the current rate of translation two more generations of language experts will be required to bring all the details to light. But, even if that happens there will be those unpatriotic scum in the government and the media who claim there was no involvement with al Qaeda and there was no terrorist activity in Iraq before the Americans launched their attack.


Attention NumbersUSA.COM activists

NumbersUSA : January 4 , 2006 -- by Roy Beck, President (unedited)


Some of you started sending us emails on Christmas Day wanting to know why -- after our big victories in the U.S. House -- we weren't already working on the next step of the battle. And why we weren't giving you your next set of marching orders. (We honor your enthusiasm but took some vacation time anyway ... along with most congressional staffers!)

Now, Hill staffers are back. And so are we.

NumbersUSA Comment:This report is for NumbersUSA members only. Please do not pass this email on to other people or post it on a website.

The action moved today to a hostile, foreign country -- the U.S. Senate, where the majority works harder for corporations and foreign workers than for American workers and their families.

This email contains a number of things that we need you to do. Please read carefully and take action now.

To skip all my verbiage and cut to the chase, just go to the ACTIONS IN BRIEF section in the right column and click the links for action.


Our battle began in the U.S. House last month. Just before Christmas, an overwhelming bi-partisan majority attached strong amendment after strong amendment to H.R. 4437 before passing this tough immigration enforcement bill AND legal immigration reduction bill.

Click here to read all about what the bill does and how it was passed.

Now, we move from our home base over to the Senate.

Senate leaders hope to pass their own immigration bill before March.

The two bills will then go into a joint Conference Committee of negotiators who will create a compromise bill that goes back to both chambers of Congress for a final vote.

We expect a poor to terrible bill to come out of the Senate. But we will be fighting to get as good of a bill as possible to improve chances of creating a compromise bill close to what the House passed.

2. SEN. SPECTER'S PLAN ... Amnesty and Guestworkers

Our Senate sources told us today that Senate Judiciary Chairman Specter (R-PA) has a plan to force backers of tough immigration enforcement to accept amnesty and guestworker programs as the only way that Specter will allow a crackdown on illegal immigration.

Sen. Specter is expected to begin executing his plan next week with the hope of having it all in place when he hopes his committee will pass the amnesty/guestworker bill in early February.

Based on his sneak efforts in November, also anticipate that Sen. Specter will slip into the bill major increases in permanent green cards. (In November, he added 350,000 permanent worker slots EACH YEAR to the Budget Reconciliation bill. Fortunately, your activism and House leaders forced every single one of those slots out of the bill before final passage.)

3. PHONE SEN. SPECTER ... Tell him and his staff that they are out of step with the American people

Call any or all of these offices:

202-224-4254 Washington, DC

610-434-1444 Allentown, PA

215-597-7200 Philadelphia, PA

NumbersUSA Comment:Here are important phone numbers for you to copy down!

412-644-3400 Pittsburgh, PA

717-782-3951 Harrisburg, PA

570-346-2006 Scranton, PA

570-826-6265 Wilkes-Barre, PA

814-453-3010 Erie, PA 16501

For some reason, Sen. Specter and his staff have come to believe that no matter how outrageous their efforts for creating open borders and flooding American communities with foreign workers that the public won't really pay that much attention to them.

Your task this week -- all week -- is to let all of Sen. Specter's staffs know that you know what he is up to -- and that he has become the most powerful force for open borders in the country.

Although Sen. Specter has never been helpful to us on immigration issues, his decision to become the chief proponent for the most radical immigration measures in American history is puzzling to many.

A number of our sources in the Senate tell us that they don't think Sen. Specter is even paying that much attention to the immigration issues and is primarily letting one of his staffers lead the way.

That staffer is Joe Jacquot (pronounced JAY-ko).

Mr. Jacquot is widely known on the Hill for his close relationship with the Microsoft lobbying operation.

You may want to mention Mr. Jacquot and question Microsoft's role when you make your phone calls.

I would hope that your primary message on your calls would be something like: Stop all efforts to include legalization or mass guestworker programs in your immigration bill. Model yourself after the House and create an ENFORCEMENT-ONLY bill. Don't consider any other aspects until you have proven that the federal government can actually enforce the law. WE DON'T NEED MORE FOREIGN WORKERS.

4. TAKE OUR POLITICAL SURVEY ... so you can see more specialized faxes

Many of our fax opportunities are seen only by people who have identified themselves as (a) Democrats or (b) Republicans or (c) Swing Voters.

If you have not taken our political survey, you won't see any of these faxes on your Action Buffet corkboard.

Please take this completely private survey at:


If you already have taken the survey, open it up again to make sure it properly reflects your affiliations.

5. HAMMER YOUR SENATORS WITH FAXES ... press them to support Enforcement-Only bill

After you have taken the political survey, you should see Action Notes on your corkboard for you to send customized faxes to your two Senators.

Start preparing their staffs to understand that the Senators' votes on this immigration bill will be widely followed and scrutinized -- especially votes by Senators who are running for re-election later this year.

Please modify and send all faxes that are listed on your Action Buffet at:


We will have many more messages for you to send during this battle. But these are important opening faxes to gain the attention of staff.

6. THANKS & NO THANKS ... Send fax to your own Representative based on his/her immigration votes in House last month

Many of you have been clamoring for three weeks for these faxes.

Well, here they are.

On your Action Buffet is a fax tailored to your Representative based on his/her votes on the key amendments and H.R. 4437.

Don't miss giving House Members quick feedback on their behavior.

Please modify and send the fax from:


7. HEAR ME ON RADIO SUNDAY NIGHT ... the Terry Anderson show at midnight EST

NumbersUSA Comment:Listen to Roy on the Terry Anderson radio show via the web Sunday night.

Terry is the incredibly motivating mechanic of South Central Los Angeles who burns up the airwaves every Sunday night.

You can listen on the internet at:


Terry's producer says people are bombarding the show after the House victories wanting to know what they should do next. We'll talk about that at midnight Eastern time.


-- ROY


College Students

It is very amazing to see what some students have to do to pay for tuition.

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